The premise of Massive Dynamic as a global corporation with vast ties to just about everything just cries out "BAD GUY", but I was holding out hope (and I still am) that there may be a sliver of good within Massive Dynamic, but with the latest ad from the Fringe comic book tie in, that hypothesis lies in doubt.
In the comic book there is an advertisement for Massive Dynamic that is brought to us by "MD Outdoors" and "
Credit Dauphine". You can find the reference in the above picture right under the "M" in Massive Dynamic.
I haven't been able to dig up anything on MD Outdoors, but Credit Dauphine is a direct tie in to the front organization of SD-6, the covert criminal organization that is destroyed by
Sydney Bristol in another of J.J Abrams hit shows,
Alias. So, with this new information in hand, it becomes clear that Massive Dynamic is certainly up to no good. Just how deep their machinations go waits to be seen. What do you think?